Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Higher education doesn't always mean a better character

didn't think i'd say this but high education (and money) does not always mean a good character..

Today as i was driving home, a black BMW was in front of me and it just went ahead even though it was red. I thought that was annoying and selfish, my ignorance lead me to believe maybe it was the driver doing so and prob in a hurry to pick up his master.

as the red turned green i went ahead and it just happened that the same black BMW was to my left and i could see from his see through glass that the driver of that BMW was a good looking young man in a fancy shirt with cufflinks (i think) talking on the phone and laughing, having a good time.

My stomach curned. I felt nauseous. All this while i hated and cursed metromini drivers and bajaj drivers for not following rules and doing what they like and i thought perhaps it has something to do with low education. But today that theory was proved wrong.

Even rich educated people are ignorant and selfish... which jz lead me to believe high education doesn't always lead to a better character. People have grown so distant, ignorant, selfish and egocentric. We lost the love and care....

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Rain of Stars

Lluvia De Estrellas

by Terri Hendrik

Lluvia de Estrellas (Rain of Stars)

en mi corrazon esta noche

(in my heart tonight)

Lluvia de Estrellas (Rain of Stars)

en mi alma en mi vida esta noche

(in my soul in my life tonight)

In Boquillas the sun sets around us

as we sing and play to the moon

the children's big brown eyes

light up the foothills of the mountain-side

everybody sings in harmony to the tune

Un brincador de montaƶas

(a jumper of mountains)

en mi alma (in my soul)

is who you are to me

Un brincador de montaƶas

(a jumper of mountains)

en mi vida (in my life)

atravez del cielo (across the sky)

when I choose to see

Friday, May 6, 2011

Are We Worth Less Than Fast Food?

We live in a weird country!! Where ambulances r not given way on the road while a funeral car with its covey r given ways and could get through red lights and all.. seems like ppl here don't understand that 'HEAVEN CAN WAIT!! HUMAN LIFE DEPENDS ON THE GOLDEN HOUR AFTER TRAUMA/EXPOSURE'

Oh an another funny fact... Fast foods are available 24 hours and dropped within 30 minutes to wherever u are, but ambulances takes more than an hour... just shows that our lives in this country are cheaper than food :D

(quoting words of Prof. dr. Aryono D. Pusponegoro SpBD-KVB, SpOT)


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Ain't Worried About Tomorrow When You're Busy Living In A Perfect Day

Been listening to Lady Antebellum's 'Perfect Day' and i got to think and reminisce about the perfect days i had... where there was no worry about tomorrow and just living in that perfect day..

1. The latest was on Sunday at 365 eco bar.. good music good friends, had one too much to drink, but it aint matter coz it was a PERRFECT DAY..

2. Then the Friday before that Sunday... @ Domain, DJ Noodles playing the set. Had enough to drink and had me dancing till morning.. aint matter that i had work the next morning, it was a PERFECT DAY

3. The Tuesday before that Friday.. Melly's and Jaksa.. an intelligent yet drunken conversation with an interesting friend until the morning sun came out. Had work and had too much to drink, it aint matter coz it was a PERFECT DAY

4. Monday, which comes before Tuesday (which we all know no thanks to Rebecca Black :p) @ Melly's, The beer tasted better with the company of dearest sister and an important friend. No worries about tommorow jz having a PERFECT DAY

(i realized all 4 that i had written were PERFECT DAYS filled with BOOZE... jz to be clear, i'm not an alcoholic :D)

5. Easter Sunday, playing anthakshari (indian songs game) with dearest sisters and followed by parents joining along all night (an exaggeration).. works piling up for tomorrow n a long day too aint matter coz it was a PERFECT DAY

6. Night before Easter, Easter dinner with close friends and Radio Dept concert (which i get to go to the backstage of sm sort, thanks to HANNAH :D).. PERFECT DAY

7. Good Friday, Birthday dinner for a dear friend, buying a 'power ranger' birthday cake and followed by beers at jaksa.. oh and meeting a best friend who came back in town after months :)))) beer tasted better than ever! and a ride home with catching up conversation... tomorrow aint matter coz it was a PERFECT DAY! :D

8. The beers at cho gao and the party at crown on a holiday in Melb, ending up on the couch at a fren's.. no worries of tomorrow, it was a PERFECT DAY

9. Road Trip to GReat Ocean ROad... aint matter we aint got no enough sleep the night before.. it was a PERFECT DAY

10. A late start on a saturday, lunch with friends, a lazy day at the rose garden, dinner at the spanish resto with yummy spanish food and sangria, a garage party we found on the way... and the moment i met u! asking u to open my corona...

Aint matter of anything else... IT WAS A PERFECT DAY :)))))


It was the perfect day

What I'd give if I could find a way to stay

lost in this moment now

Ain't worried about tomorrow when you're busy living in a perfect day.

-Lady Antebellum-

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The reason for a reason

God sent down His only Son to earth to wipe off all of our sin... That's what the bible tells us.. but i think there is another reason He sent Jesus to this earth as human.

When i was a little kid, not knowing what love or rejection is, i can never understand completely the stories, novels, comics that i read... especially all those about love and jealousy. What the hell is jealousy? is it that powerful that it leads people into dark rage and not seldom commit crimes? i used to naively think that those novels just exaggerate those feelings. Or the feeling to die for someone u love... duh! who wud wanna be that stupid?

until i myself endure love, pain of losing and jealousy, i could never understand those stories. But once i went through those emotions myself, right then i understood those stories and i felt them.

I think God is like me. He created people with emotions, but He Himself had no emotions... how could He? He's s'pose to be non-judgmental and ever loving and ever so fair. So He couldn't understand why humans could do bad things such as killing or stealing or hurting others.

He realizes although He had created humans as a mirror image of Him, they had a flaw... they have emotions, which He didn't plan on but just exist.

Actually He really didn't plan on giving humans emotions, but when He created Eve for Adam, He let the emotion grew in those two. And from that on the emotion grew and created other emotions...

God on the other hand was and is always alone, so He never developed emotions and thus can never understand human completely... and if He can't understand them, how is He to be non judgmental and all fair?

So He created (perhaps?) and sent His most precious person... His SON... Jesus on earth.. to suffer...

And when He watched His Son tortured and murdered, only then He knew of the existence of this so called emotions... and only then did He know of pain and only then did He understand...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Simple Questions

Sometimes we take the simple things in our lives for granted and never really gave a thought or search for the answers. For the present world knowing how to create a website is valued more than the knowledge of simple sciences. But what we often forget that everything in the present starts and are based on simple sciences.

This is a piece for the book Polgara the sorceress by D.&L. Eddings where Polgara asked her father to tutor her. When her father, Belgarath, Wanted to start teaching Polgara by a simple means of reading, she rejected the idea. For her it is silly for a sorceress to learn how to read instead of how to manage her 'Gift'. She told her father that there would be nothing the ancient people wrote that would be of her need. And so she didn't need to learn how to read, Belgarath could just tell her the important things.

Smiling wisely Belgarath asked a series of question to the 'already smart' Polgara;

Belgarath: If you have two apples here and two apples over there, how many do you have altogether?

Polgara: Four apples, of course

Belgarath: Why?

Polgara: What do you mean, "Why?" It just is. Two apples and two apples are four apples. Any idiot knows that.

Belgarath: Since you're not an idiot, you shouldn't have any trouble explaining it to me, should you?

Belgarath: We can come back to that one later. Now then, when a tree falls way back in the forest, it makes a noise, right?

Polgara: Of course it does, father.

Belgarath: Very good, Pol. What is noise?

Polgara: Something we hear.

Belgarath: Excellent. You're really very perceptive, my daughter. There's a problem, though. What if there's nobody around to hear the noise? Is it really there, then?

Polgara: Certainly it is.

Belgarath: Why?

Polgara: Because -----

Belgarath: Let's set that one aside as well and move on. Do you think the sun is going to come up tomorrow morning?

Polgara: Well, naturally it will.

Belgarath: Why?

Polgara: Well, it always has, hasn't it?

Belgarath: Pressing right along then, Why does the moon change her shape during the course of a month?'
Why does water bubble when it gets hot?
Why can't we see color in the dark?
Why do tree leaves change color in the autumn?
Why does water get hard when it's cold? And why does it turn to steam when it gets hot?
If it's noon here, why is it midnight in Mallorea?
Does the sun go around the world, or does the world go around the sun?
Where do mountains come from?
What makes things grow?

And thus the ignorant Polgara was taught a lesson and agreed to learn from the basics.

What about us? Do you know the answers to all those questions? An observation of daily things...
Let us read ur answers to those "whys'


Monday, January 31, 2011

If I Ever See You Again

If I ever see you again,
I would tell you how much I've missed you.

If I ever see you again,
I would tell you how I've never loved no one like I loved you

If I ever see you again,
I'd ask why did you leave?

If I ever see you again,
I'd ask where I went wrong?

If I ever see you again,
I'd ask you if you ever loved me even if it was just for a second...


Saturday, January 22, 2011


My downfall is another's success...
My badnews is another's good..
My smiles is another's cry..

so y the hell are we still looking out for a reputation?

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Feeling Blue

Things that has passed always have a lesson learned..

Things are yet to come depends on our action at present

Things at present are results of our action from past.

If i could turn back the time, i would do it in a different way

But i can't, so i try to face with positivity

If i could undo what i did, i would erase all nuttiness

But i can't, so i move forward

Often i wonder, how would it be, had things been different?


Tuesday, January 18, 2011


One thing I hate


Most of the people I know, when asked what the dislike the most, would say liars. For me, I can still stand liars, I can’t stand hypocrites.

What’s the point of agreeing with a view when u trash it behind the speaker’s back?

What’s the point of going to temples/churches/mosques every time and still you talk behind people’s backs, you judge people and u gossip?

We live in a world of sheep where everyone has reached a moo point. They just follow the wave in unison. And even when sm ppl think otherwise, they dare not say it, afraid thth they would be pushed out of the comfort zone they are in already. And when sm1 really does stand up different n speak out loud what many has jz thought of, he is disregarded. He is called names and becomes an outcast.

Nobody dares to agree with him despite the fact that what he said what was they thought jz minutes before.

In a world where there is a shell closing the surrounding for the outside world. In a world where people believe in what they are told instead of what they experienced. In a world where nothing other than their believes are allowed. In a world that does not accept diversity. In the world that shallow, when a man stands different, he is called the fool.

His views wouldn’t be considered… not even listened may be. He is disregarded; he is trashed and called crazy. Jz because he is different.

In a shallow world that doesn’t accept diversity, being different is not understood. People fear what they fail to understand… and that fear brings them to crash him, who they call the fool.

Worse of all, are those who thinks he is right but are just afraid to say so, who does what he does but hidingly because they are afraid of the world to know and discard them, And so they follow others to crash him despite the fact that behind others they do what he does. These are the hypocrites. These are people with no values of their own. These are people who let others be their puppeteers and they just dance to the way others play their strings.

And these hypocrites are those I can’t stand of.

ps: this note is written purely on my views about human behaviors in a society/culture/place, and not to disregard any1.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


We are sometimes consumed by our own selfishness, and that's alright... we are humans. Sometimes this selfishness becomes us, and we don't realize anymore that what we want is a form of selfishness.

As humans we reproduce, its the way it is... but hv we once thought, why do we want kids? as easily as saying 'shit happens' when things dun go our way, we say 'its jz a part of life' to have kids... but hv we once stopped and wonder... what good does it do to the kid by bringing him to the world?

The world is a dark place... no matter how much you say 'it depends on how we see it', the world has its dark corners... no matter how good we raise the kids we hv brought to this world, they r bound to share those dark corners at the end...

Pain, suffering, betrayal, lies, drugs, murders... all awaits for this innocent soul... and though through all that thus the soul evolve n grow, but is it worth it?

All has reasons and all is good... God made us and told us to occupy the world... but when u decide to have a kid with ur partner... is it this message of God that brings u to tht decision? or is it ur feeling n wanting to have sm1 or ur blood to continue ur family?

is it the thought of a baby to company u n cheer u up after work?

is it the thought of a kid to save ur marriage?

is it that thought that u want a son to continue ur business?

is it because u c others having their kids?

is it because the smile their kids bring to them, u want it too?

is it the thought of having ur kids to take care of u when u r old?

having a child is a blessing indeed... its a gift from God...It is a miracle...

but to have a child just to satisfy ur need... to satisfy ur wantings...isnt that a selfish thought? a selfish act?

A child when born, has his own soul n destiny.... we thought them all we know n all he needs to know... but at one point we gotta let that child go to fulfill his own destiny... not tell him to fulfill our wishes...

children are not puppets of their parents....


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I Sit Alone

Here I sit, alone

Things were said, things were done...

Time goes by and feelings ceased...

Here I sit, alone

A short dream came to an end...

Reality tasted bitter and i don't wanna wake up...

Shut my eyes tight and hope for the nightmare to end...

Here I sit, alone

Songs were sang, dreams were shared

Was it real? Was it an illusion?

Call me weak, call me stupid...

For now I sit, alone


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Time Machine

When my 14 years old sister asked me what would i do if i had my hands on a time machine, even before she added that i can't change the past that is related to my life, the first thing that came to my head was i would rent it and charge a lot for one use. And then use the money to travel :D

When then she added i could not change my life, i realized that i didn't want to. If i had anything that i regretted, anything i wanted to change, then that would have been my first thought and response. But it wasn't. At a glance, there wasn't anything i regretted, anything i wish i didn't do or something i wished i did. There wasn't a thing i wanted to change in my life. I smiled, content.

Then i took a moment to think about it. My sister triggered my brain to think if i could go back in time, what would i do or change about my past. Nothing comes to mind. Zilch! It surprised me yet made my smile wider.

Yes, there were times where i cry myself to bed regretting some things and wondered 'What ifs'. There were times where i wished i could change the past. Yes, I had those episodes, just like any normal human would.

But not that day... Not now. Everything that seemed like a curse at the time that it happened, now seems like a blessing. Everything that happened, everything i went through shaped me into who am i today. And guess what?! I love me today. Apart from losing a little weight and shaping up my bod, there is nothing i'd change about me now.

It made me realize that indeed everything i went through were blessings. Some are blessings in disguise of a fucking retard painful moments, but yea, they too were blessings.

The Universe does look out for us in Its own way. We subconsciously look out for ourselves and thus sometimes we take decisions we don't even know why. Those decisions aren't to be regretted, cause i believe they were the fruit of our subconscious mind looking out for us.

Perhaps it takes time to see it; that everything that happens has a reason behind it, a domino effect of the Universe. But the most important thing is just to go with it with a light heart and appreciate the things that come into our way, even the simplest things, to enjoy that domino effect. Just let it flow, just let it go and all the doubts would dissolve. The dark curtains fall off and life seems as bright as the sun.

May This Year Brings as Much Joy as The Last and Even More...
May This Year Brings as Much Knowledge as The Last and Even More...
May This Year Brings as Much Appreciation as The Last and Even More...
May This Year Brings as Much Wisdom as The Last and Even More...

Happy New Year 2011

