Tuesday, January 18, 2011


One thing I hate


Most of the people I know, when asked what the dislike the most, would say liars. For me, I can still stand liars, I can’t stand hypocrites.

What’s the point of agreeing with a view when u trash it behind the speaker’s back?

What’s the point of going to temples/churches/mosques every time and still you talk behind people’s backs, you judge people and u gossip?

We live in a world of sheep where everyone has reached a moo point. They just follow the wave in unison. And even when sm ppl think otherwise, they dare not say it, afraid thth they would be pushed out of the comfort zone they are in already. And when sm1 really does stand up different n speak out loud what many has jz thought of, he is disregarded. He is called names and becomes an outcast.

Nobody dares to agree with him despite the fact that what he said what was they thought jz minutes before.

In a world where there is a shell closing the surrounding for the outside world. In a world where people believe in what they are told instead of what they experienced. In a world where nothing other than their believes are allowed. In a world that does not accept diversity. In the world that shallow, when a man stands different, he is called the fool.

His views wouldn’t be considered… not even listened may be. He is disregarded; he is trashed and called crazy. Jz because he is different.

In a shallow world that doesn’t accept diversity, being different is not understood. People fear what they fail to understand… and that fear brings them to crash him, who they call the fool.

Worse of all, are those who thinks he is right but are just afraid to say so, who does what he does but hidingly because they are afraid of the world to know and discard them, And so they follow others to crash him despite the fact that behind others they do what he does. These are the hypocrites. These are people with no values of their own. These are people who let others be their puppeteers and they just dance to the way others play their strings.

And these hypocrites are those I can’t stand of.

ps: this note is written purely on my views about human behaviors in a society/culture/place, and not to disregard any1.

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