When i was a little kid, not knowing what love or rejection is, i can never understand completely the stories, novels, comics that i read... especially all those about love and jealousy. What the hell is jealousy? is it that powerful that it leads people into dark rage and not seldom commit crimes? i used to naively think that those novels just exaggerate those feelings. Or the feeling to die for someone u love... duh! who wud wanna be that stupid?
until i myself endure love, pain of losing and jealousy, i could never understand those stories. But once i went through those emotions myself, right then i understood those stories and i felt them.
I think God is like me. He created people with emotions, but He Himself had no emotions... how could He? He's s'pose to be non-judgmental and ever loving and ever so fair. So He couldn't understand why humans could do bad things such as killing or stealing or hurting others.
He realizes although He had created humans as a mirror image of Him, they had a flaw... they have emotions, which He didn't plan on but just exist.
Actually He really didn't plan on giving humans emotions, but when He created Eve for Adam, He let the emotion grew in those two. And from that on the emotion grew and created other emotions...
God on the other hand was and is always alone, so He never developed emotions and thus can never understand human completely... and if He can't understand them, how is He to be non judgmental and all fair?
So He created (perhaps?) and sent His most precious person... His SON... Jesus on earth.. to suffer...
And when He watched His Son tortured and murdered, only then He knew of the existence of this so called emotions... and only then did He know of pain and only then did He understand...
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