Sunday, August 29, 2010


When i was a kid, me and my sis used to have these wild imagination about things…(we still do) one of them was about GOD, who is He exactly? So we turn to each other and gave our ideas. These are some of them;

1. God is a magician who stays in the sky and always has his stick with him and does magic all the time.

2. God is a boss at this very big office in the sky and has so many helpers who sit infront of the computer the whole day, reading the datas about people on earth and decide the punishments or rewards for them.

3. All the Gods i.e.; Jesus, Budha, Allah, and all the hindu Gods are friends and they hang around with each other very often and laugh at human’s stupidity of comparing one God with the other, one religion with another.

ps: now at adolescence, we even came to the point that they have hearings for matters like; why does Krishna have so many wives and if Jesus is the son of God, then who’s God’s wife?

4. God is this really cool imaginary friend who comes up to rescue all the time

5. At the age of 12, after reading Sybil and First Person Prural, my sister decided that God and the Devil are actually one person with multiple personality disorder

6. God is this giant man who looks down from high above where His head is. It’s somewhat like we see the ants on the ground near our feet.

7. God was so lonely and bored, cause he has nothing to do and no wife or friends, so he decided to do something exciting… and the result is us!!!

8. God is this king who sits on this huuuuugggeeee throne somewhere up there and rules over the angels and give them work to do

Latest vision of GOD;

9. God is this giant student boy, maybe from outer space, who was told to make a science project and he ends with us. (Just to make it clear; WE R HIS FREAKIN SCIENCE PROJECT)

10. God is this super cool, playboy guy who sits on a throne and have these pretty, sexy angels all around Him. (Ever wonder why all the angels names are girlish?). The angels flirt with Him and feed Him grapes, dance around him, etc (Basically He is living all guys dream). whenever His beeper goes off (that means there is trouble down here or some ppl calling His name), all He has to do is tell one of His angel flirtatiously to take care of whatever it is.

