Monday, December 30, 2013


When death comes to pick me up,
I will welcome him with open arms
And make him my lover.
For if life is a journey,
I would have had reached my destination.


Friday, November 1, 2013

Toll Way

sometimes life is like driving on an in town toll way (tol dalam kota).. u drive with a destination in mind in. Sometimes u take the wrong exit or turn the wrong turn and then u got choices how to deal with it... continue driving until there is another turn leading towards our destination again, exit the toll way and make a turn and enter the toll way into the opposite direction and continue towards our original direction, or call a friend :)

Thursday, October 17, 2013

To be or not to be

most things in life are unpredictable.. but one thing is sure...... death!

the timing is unpredictable, but u know it's heading towards u. so what are you afraid of now? when u know the end result is death anyway?

take the chance... live it and never even for a second regret it



Saturday, August 24, 2013

Oh Man!

since it's my blog and it's called rambles, i'm just gonna ramble :D

so while sometimes i feel that i kept turning to the wrong road and kept taking the wrong step until i think i can't feel love any more, todaaayyyy it all changed :D

so there i was just sitting and talking and .. well some people calls it infatuation, some says love at first sight.. whatever it was, i sensed the vibe and guess what i guess i could still be in love again after all ;)

Friday, July 26, 2013

Apakah Landasan Pancasila Masih Ada?

saya sarankan mendikbud menghapus PMP (Pendidikan Moral Pancasila) ataupun PPKN (Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan) dari kurikulum sekolah....
buat apa moral pancasila diajarkan bila FPI yang dengan jelas dan terbukti membangkang Pancasila dan semua kegiatannya menentang moral Pancasila tetap dibiarkan beroperasi dan belum juga dibubarkan, hanya diberi sanksi teguran
Pemerintah seperi mengajarkan kekerasan itu tidak apa apa dan Pancasila hanya gurauan, juga mengajarkan kemunafikan pada anak anak sekolah.

Bila kelompok teroris seperti FPI dibiarkan dan makin diberikan kebebasan dalam bertindak dengan membawa nama FPI dan dilatar belakangi agama dan menyalahi semua intisari pancasila... maka dalam waktu singkat negara ini akan menjadi negara anarki yang tidak lagi berlandasan Pancasila.

Wahai petinggi petinggi negara, dengarkanlah tangisan rakyatmu... jangan tirikan rakyatmu. Sesungguhnya negara Republik Indonesia adalah negara demokrasi yang berlandaskan moral Pancasila... jangan biarkan terorisme meraja dan darah airmata bangsamu membasai tanah air tercintaku ini...

Monday, June 3, 2013

Learn To Love Again

Sitting in a silence, holding you close
Listening to your heart beats, faster by the second
We knew it was the end,
We knew it couldn't be saved

You are the one leaving
But I'm not the only one bleeding
Reminiscing the sweet memories
Our eyes filled with bitter tears

It's love with a deadline
We knew it before it began
The reason we met,
For this perhaps..

To let go the past
And learn to love again
