didn't think i'd say this but high education (and money) does not always mean a good character..
Today as i was driving home, a black BMW was in front of me and it just went ahead even though it was red. I thought that was annoying and selfish, my ignorance lead me to believe maybe it was the driver doing so and prob in a hurry to pick up his master.
as the red turned green i went ahead and it just happened that the same black BMW was to my left and i could see from his see through glass that the driver of that BMW was a good looking young man in a fancy shirt with cufflinks (i think) talking on the phone and laughing, having a good time.
My stomach curned. I felt nauseous. All this while i hated and cursed metromini drivers and bajaj drivers for not following rules and doing what they like and i thought perhaps it has something to do with low education. But today that theory was proved wrong.
Even rich educated people are ignorant and selfish... which jz lead me to believe high education doesn't always lead to a better character. People have grown so distant, ignorant, selfish and egocentric. We lost the love and care....